carpooling for people and things


Carpooling community

We connect more than 28000 verified users. Read here how we were born and developed.

time reduce

Ride offer in a moment

With our automatic detection of possible stop places along route, templates or repeated ride offers you will save time.


Trusted drivers and passengers

We verify mobile and e-mail contacts, connecting Carpul profiles with social networks and using reliable rating system.


Simple administration

Just few clicks and you update, delete your ride or add rating to your fellow traveler.

The experience of our members

Drozd Z (driver)

S Bárou se skvěle povídá. Dorazila na čas. Vše bez problémů.

Palo z (driver)

František je fajn, rád ho odveziem aj nabudúce. Ďakujem za spolujazdu, Palo.

Jozef D (driver)

Veľmi milá pani. Všetko prebehlo ako sme sa dohodli. Verím, že sa ešte stretneme pri ďalšom odvoze.

Pavol C (passenger)

Pijemny usmiaty pozitivne naladeny s dorazom na bezpecnu jazdu a zabezpeceny komfort.Solidny.